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HOWTO send large amounts of form data to ISAPI/CGI, Upload files to Pi3Web
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Send large amounts of form data to ISAPI/CGI, Upload files to Pi3Web
Holger Zimmermann <zimpel@t-online.de>
V1.01 17 June 1998
replaces HOWTO document from 16/June/98
1.1 Build a client extension DLL to read large data
1.2 Debugging a client extension DLL from Delphi/C++ Builder
2. Standard CGI (Perl)
3. File upload with HTML-form and CGI
1.1 Build a client extension DLL to read large data
Take good care of reading exact the pECB.cbTotalBytes of data. If you read
less bytes than indicated in pECB.cbTotalBytes a 'Connection reset by peer'
error occurs in the browser. If you try to read more bytes ReadClient never
The pECB.cbTotalBytes holds possibly 2 bytes less than required.
If I sent a small block (all data available from pECB) the pECB.cbTotalBytes
member is always 2 bytes smaller than the pECB.cbAvailable field.
The below example code fragment shows how to make it with Delphi 3:
function HttpExtensionProc (var pECB: EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK) : DWORD; export;
Data : Array[0..4096] of Char;
Response : Array[0..8] of Char;
dwLen, ToRead : DWord;
// Do something with the pECB.cbAvailable Bytes in pECB.lpbData
// Possibly a bug - cbTotalBytes seems to be 2 bytes less then required
pECB.cbTotalBytes := pECB.cbTotalBytes + 2;
// How many bytes left to read?
ToRead:=pECB.cbTotalBytes - pECB.cbAvailable;
// Our data buffer is limited to 4kByte - dwLen is set to it or the rest
if ToRead > 4096 then dwLen := 4096 else dwLen := ToRead;
// Call ReadClient until all Bytes are read
while (ToRead > 0) and pECB.ReadClient(pECB.ConnID, @Data, @dwLen) do begin
// Do something with the dwLen Bytes in Data
// dwLen now contains the read count
Dec(ToRead, dwLen);
// Set dwLen again for the next read request
if ToRead > 4096 then dwLen := 4096 else dwLen := ToRead;
// Initialize the response header
StrPCopy(Response, '200 OK');
@Response, nil, nil);
// We've done it
1.2 Debugging a client extension DLL from Delphi/C++ Builder
Menu Start|Parameters:
host application C:\Pi3Web\bin\enhpi3.exe
command line /START C:\Pi3Web\Conf\Config.pi3
2. Standard CGI (Perl)
The problem is similar to ISAPI read exact ContentLength bytes and all
works fine. I tested the following with about 2.5 MBytes at once per call:
binmode STDIN;
Don't forget to set STDIN to binary mode, if you're in Windows a EOF char
causes a broken connection otherwise. All former problems are fixed with the
binmode for STDIN. If you write $buf to a file set the Handle also to
binary mode.
3. File upload with HTML-form and CGI
Make a simple HTML-form:
<form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='/cgi-bin/fupload.pl'>
File to upload: <input type=file name=upfile><br>
Notes about the file: <input type=text name=note><br>
<input type=submit value=Press> to upload the file!
Now make a smart script to parse the contents and rebuild the file
on the server side.
Have a look at the CGI input data:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upfile"; filename="c:\rfc\rfc2068.html"
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="note"
I made some forms and scripts for basic testing.
Title: File Upload Form
File Upload Form
Please fill in the file-upload form: