Allaires ColdFusion, I actually tested with CF Express 4.5, uses like ASP an ISAPI extension interface to talk with the webserver. However ColdFusion is more an application server than a script engine.
The feature to run ColdFusion is available with Pi3Web 1.03 and 2.00. For both releases a package is available in the download area at sourceforge.
In order to install ColdFusion support for Pi3Web follow these steps:
<Object> Name Start ... Mapping Condition="&or(®exp('*.cfm',$U),®exp('*.cfm',$f))" CFMapper From="/" To="WebRoot\" ... </Object> <Object> Name CFMapper Class PathMapperClass PathInfo "No" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,ObjectMap,ISAPI)" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,PathInfo,&dblookup(response,string,ScriptName))" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,PathTranslated,&dblookup(response,string,Path))" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,Path,\\programme\\cfusion\\bin\\iscf.dll)" </Object>
The regular expressions in the above mapping allow
If you use a simple directory based mapping, as used for CGI or ISAPI you may
I had to switch off my administrator password to work with CF, which could be set with the follwoing registry key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Allaire\ColdFusion\CurrentVersion\Server] "UseAdminPassword"="0"
But I didn't investigate this further.