ASP 1.0, the one that came with IIS 3.0 is an ISAPI extension. Pi3Web is an ISAPI 2.0 compliant web server, capable of running both ISAPI filters and extensions. Like ASP, the same way Pi3Web is capable of running other ISAPI based scripting programs like Cold Fusion or iHTML, but the last one wasn't tested yet.
The feature to run ASP 1.0 is available with Pi3Web 1.03 and 2.00. For both releases a package is available in the download area at sourceforge.
In order to install ASP support for Pi3Web follow these steps:
<Object> Name Start ... Mapping Condition="&or(®exp('*.asp',$U),®exp('*.asp',$f))" ASPMapper From="/" To="WebRoot\" ... </Object> <Object> Name ASPMapper Class PathMapperClass PathInfo "No" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,ObjectMap,ISAPI)" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,PathInfo,&dblookup(response,string,ScriptName))" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,PathTranslated,&dblookup(response,string,Path))" Action "&dbreplace(response,string,Path,..\\ISAPI\\asp.dll)" </Object>
The regular expressions in the above mapping allow
If you use a simple directory based mapping, as used for CGI or ISAPI you may
<Object> Name ISAPI20 Class ISAPI20Class ExtraHeadersPrefix HTTP_ AsynchTimeout 90 </Object>