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Re: why is SSI not running?

Militao schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have included this line in my HTML file but it seems not to work!
> <!--#echo var="DATE_GMT"-->
> is it neccessary to configure something to put SSI server running?

try to rename your website <name>.htm<l> into <name>.ssi or <name>.shtml.
if you wanna run cgi-executables use the syntax
<!--#exec virtual="CGI_PROG_URL"--> 

Hope this helps.
> Best regards
> JARMilitao
> ************************************************************
> Jose Militão (jarmilitao@eid.pt)
> Automação
> EID, Empresa de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento de Electronica, S.A.
> P.O. Box 327
> P-2825 MONTE DA CAPARICA, Portugal
> Tel +351.1.2948600
> Fax +351.1.2948700
> ************************************************************

with regards

Holger 'Zimpel' Zimmermann    Contact me:
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