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Re: Virtual Web Hosting.

Sameer Lokray schrieb:
> Hi,
> The Pi3Web (Version 1.0.3) Server is installed on Window NT 4.0 to
> access website remotely using the hostname. It works very well.
> The online documentation of Pi3Web (Version 1.0.3) Server describes
> the support of Virtual Web hosting feature.
> I would like to know whether I can access the same website  using
> another hostname.
> i.e the following,
> 1. I installed Pi3Web on Windows NT 4.0 to access website remotely
>    using the hostname 'AAA'.
> 2. How can I configure Pi3Web (installed in step 1) to access the
>    same website using other hostname, say 'BBB' ?
>    BBB's webroot, cgi-bin and other directories could be same as that
>    of AAA's.
> Is there a solution ? Or do I need to use some other Web Server which
> supports virtual web hosting ?
^^^^ Hi,
you've only to change your DNS service or hosts file (c:\windows\hosts under
Win95, the same file under other path on the server) in the way

ip1           hostname   hostalias1   hostalias2

i.e.  peter.europe.earth   paul.europe.earth   mary.europe.earth

Now you can use one hostname and two host aliases that point to the same ip.
Change the hosts file on all machines without DNS access you need for this.
Another way is to create one line for each hostname all with the same IP
address. But the above is more elegant and clearly arranged.

> Thanks.
> --
> - Sameer (sameer@pspl.co.in)

with regards

Holger 'Zimpel' Zimmermann    Contact me:
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e-Mail:     zimpel@t-online.de