oral r thomas schrieb:
hi holger I am fairly new to servers I am taking a class at zdu.com, I wouldHi,
like to know if there is any instructions how to configure the srever and if
so how can I get a hold of it. one more question
how exactly do I change the command line as you mentioned before.
Sorry If I sound a little confuse.Thanks once again.
Oral Thomas
There is no problem for me to give you an exactlier description how to configure the server:
CommandLineByExt .cgi="d:\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe %p%q"
You need an installation of Perl (best WinPerl32) to execute your scripts.(Not
contents of PI3WEB package!). Get it from
http://www.ActiveState.com/ if you not yet got it.
I suppose you are using the Win95-version of Pi3Web - that's the basis
for my explanations.
Still any questions?
Bye, Holger