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2. PHP4 as CGI in Pi³Web

2.1 The simple way to use PHP4 as CGI

If you copy the PHP4 binaries (for Windows php4.exe and the php4ts.dll) into the folder .\Pi3Web\Cgi-Bin\ you can run PHP scripts from any folder with a valid URL mapping. This is possible using the standard configuration by calling e.g. http://localhost/cgi-bin/php.exe/pidocs/features/test3.php. This is very easy to achieve, but doen't allow an URL formed like e.g. http://localhost/pidocs/features/test3.php. In the next section we will learn, how this could be achieved by a few configuration changes.

2.2 The adaption of existing CGI configuration for PHP

We assume, PHP is installed in C:\PHP4 and our PHP files are stored in WebRoot. You've to change some of the existing configuration objects and to add a new PHP4Mapper object. Apply the following changes using a text editor to your Pi³Web configuration file (.\Pi3Web\Conf\Config.pi3 or .\Pi3Web\Conf\Features.pi3). First we've to change the Start object to add the appropriate mapping:

        Name Start
        Class FlexibleHandlerClass
        Mapping Condition="&or(&regexp('*.php',$U),&regexp('*.php',$f))" Php4Mapper From="/" To="WebRoot\"

Now add a new PathMapper object called 'Php4Mapper':

        Name Php4Mapper
        Class PathMapperClass
        Action "&dbreplace(response,string,ObjectMap,Scripts)"
        Action "&dbreplace(response,string,PathInfo,&dblookup(response,string,ScriptName))"
        Action "&dbreplace(response,string,PathTranslated,&dblookup(response,string,Path))"

Finally the StandardCGI handler has to be extended in order to add the appropriate command line mapping:

        Name StandardCGI
        Class CGIClass
        CommandLineByExt .php="c:\\PHP4\\php.exe %p %q"

A special point is the way, how the CGI environment variables PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED are set. The CGI program needs the PATH_TRANSLATED environment to find the script to be parsed. Otherwise you must compile PHP4 with the --enable-discard-path option.

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