This document is based on the release 2.0.3 of the Pi3Web Server and is supplemented by the Pi3Web online documentation. It describes the basic concepts of the file based configuration as well as the usage of the Win32 administration applications.
This document is written for users, who want to deeply understand the concepts and details of the configuration of the Pi3Web Server. Moreover, reading it will improve the understanding of how the Pi3Web Server works internally. This document will help users performing advanced administration tasks (such as configuring a secure remote administration connection) and to prepare decisions about security or performance relevant topics. But it isn't necessary to read it in order to be able to use the administration GUI of the Pi3Web Server.
The configuration of the Pi3Web server is stored in an editable file which is read and interpreted by the server during startup. An administration application does also read such a configuration file for editing and write into it when saving the changes made with the GUI. The remote administration client will perform this task through a remote network connection, i.e. without having access to the configuration file on the harddisk of the server.